Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Women of GTA V

The Women of GTA V: "Treva"

The Women of GTA V: "Michelle"

The Women of GTA V: "Francine"

Hello lovely people.

Well, finals are nearly over, and though you can't see it, I am dancing.  Joyously.

My "Women of GTA V" series is completed in black and white photography (for details about this project, check my earlier posts!).  I still do not know that I would consider myself a photographer, but I plan on using my iPhone as an accessible means of taking pictures and continuing this idea.  I'm excited; this project was my first feminist project, and I love it!  I look forward to continue playing with photography, cosplaying, and representing women in video games.  It will be quite an adventure.  Another thank you-shout out to to my photography professor, Brett Kallusky, for guiding me through the semester, exploring an art form that I had previously poo-pooed as illegitimate.  Respect to the photographers out there; it is much harder than it looks.

Now that our Christmas-January break has begun, I plan on taking time to relax, play video games (GTA V campaign mode, to be exact), and WEAVE!  I borrowed some equipment, including a lovely little table loom, and will be weaving a 2'x3' rug composed of 3-8"x36" panels stitched together.  I'm an artist; I can't expect myself to sit idly by for an entire month without creating something beautiful.  It would be a sin.

And with that, my friends, I bid you ado.  I'll keep you updated on my latest endeavors, and as always, thanks for reading and have yourselves a wonderful, winter's day.  

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